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Paul Bowes

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Everything posted by Paul Bowes

  1. I have a mk 8.5 e-hybrid , 1 week old and cannot produce warm air from the climate system , i have tried with air con on and off , e-mode , hybrid mode, Sport mode, comfort mode and via infotainment screen and direct with climate button drive the car for up to 1 hour but only cold air comes from the fans / vents and although the infotainment screen indicates red and warn air should be coming out - it simply remains cold air, the dealership indicated i should reset the infotainment screen - which i have done several times but this did not fix the problem - have any other e-hybrid owners had similar issues / suggest a fix , i dont have time to leave the car back to dealership currently . Also have a warning light advising me hybrid mode not working correctly , the car is a week old and i have had numerous issues with it already and without a doubt the worst car i have had in 25 years,
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