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  1. I don't believe it will need coding if it is a direct replacement part The only time it would be necessary is if it is part of the ADAS system on the windscreen and then it would need to be calibrated
  2. I would consult a campervan specialist as there will be items such as charging relay and switches that would need to be added to ensure it is safe from overcharging, etc
  3. It does sound like the resistors have burnt out and if speed 3 drops out it only leaves speed 4 directly running through no resistors. Here is a link to the part which is incredibly cheap - fitting may be a little awkward but easy enough to replace https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/370625832914?fits=Car+Make%3AVW|Cars+Year%3A2012|Model%3ATouran&_skw=2012+vw+touran+heater+resistor&itmmeta=01JJP7V9E9KSY7N66MPF2HBNVX&hash=item564b0567d2:g:8cEAAOSwhilZaIht&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAABAHoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKn%2BBd4b61r9iUk5%2Fni3yiSZj5X%2Be0hU4IK8WwT8qKVFWC%2FkcRTTnAu1395RkkrqdEk5vHPx3AgcWnYw2L84rYqk4713Rm208dVjfWBPVzexWeWvOZynUIAxkgiiQGgouYywmmX2%2F1Zq5cUYWsislXEsdV8WYGNNsvEIwYjyqNH38aUVpnxLXG4tb7oB5FkIm%2BHU98TCM%2Bu3NhYp7erJn2NK6bU5Jr2l%2FqDdwZYtlcaCMNkUWRGU%2FwGIhiTeAR5xe1JdxorzqcZU9dgdTheY4rv74Mo4AZDqyds3btv3FUXJplfQ3Hdu8mDZk1N2c8yqaN8%3D|tkp%3ABFBMpJftx5Vl
  4. It would be interesting to know what they find during the service - whether it is a mechanical or electronic issue. Maybe just needs some recoding to restore the correct settings
  5. Thanks for the detailed feedback once more Tom....always interested to know how issues can be resolved with imported vehicles
  6. not tried them but would imagine any protection is better than nothing especially in supermarket car parts If you do get some and try it out then do let us know how you get on with it
  7. Hi....welcome to the Club Good to have you onboard!
  8. I would be tempted to return it to the mechanic that originally replaced the timing chain and give them a chance to review their work as it may be possible something has not gone back correctly when reassembling. The fact that the engine is running is a good sign that it is not timing chain related (we hope) but more anciliary items such as Air Conditioning pump or drivebelt that is too loose/tight, loose pipe(s)....worth checking the obvious stuff first which may be easy to resolve
  9. Merry Christmas to the members of the Volkswagen Owners Club Enjoy the festive break and see you back here in 2025
  10. Not sure if these are the ones you are looking for, certainly cheap enough https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2499334.m570.l1313&_nkw=volkswagen+undertray+clips&_sacat=0
  11. How have you managed to get on with it now its been a few weeks?
  12. Hi Tom Thanks for posting your informative write up on your experiences with an imported car, interesting read and quite a lot of information I wasn't previously aware of. In regards to the DAB radio, here is one you could consider from a UK company https://www.iceboxauto.com/vw-passat-2013-17-gps-navi-android-11-carplay-oem-style-radio-vw105 Good luck with it all and please let us know how you get on
  13. Not sure of specific makes and models but there are bluetooth versions I believe that are wireless so less intrusive to the vehicle electronics
  14. Hi....welcome to the Club! Good to have you onboard
  15. Hi....welcome to the Club Good to have you onboard!
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